Wellness 2000
Center for Detoxification

Wellness 2000 is a Colon Hydrotherapy service of Charlotte, NC, offering internal health and wellness care to all age groups of men, women and children. Colonic irrigation to health counseling, digestive care, herbal supplementation and other alternative healing/detox modalities are available. As a highly effective internal wellness and detoxification center, client loyalty has been earned over the last 27 years in Charlotte. The wellness center is a comfortable environment focused on helping clients feel relaxed and safe. Caring about your health and increasing wellness for life is the primary dedication of this center and its owner.
Phone: 704.281.3788
Call/Text to Set up an Appointment
Hours by Appointment
Monday 4:30-6:30 (last apt.)
Tues 10:30-6:30 (last appt.)
Wed. Closed
Thurs. 10:30-6:30 (last appt.)
Fri. 10:00-3:30 (last appt.)
Sat. 10:30-3:30 (last appt.)
Sun. Closed
Meet Darlene Barnes
Darlene began her wellness journey in California in 1992. Since then she has been in private practice offering health and wellness, specializing in non-drug, holistic approaches. Darlene is a Member of The International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy (I-ACT), Advanced Level, a CNHP, Certified Natural Health Professional, Certified Detoxification Specialist and Herbalist. Darlene has been certified in the alternative health field for over 33 years. In 33 years of practice, Darlene has lectured in the alternative health field, helping people make safer choices in improving health. Over the years she has continually attended workshops and classes regarding nutrition and alternative approaches to wellness. She has extensive training in Applied Kinesiology and its use for identifying imbalances in the body.
"Since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God." 2 Corinthians 7:1