Wellness 2000
Center for Detoxification

Frequently Asked Questions
What is Colonic Irrigation or Colon Hydrotherapy?
Colonic irrigation, colon hydrotherapy, colonics or high enemas are all names that refer to colon hydrotherapy. Colonic irrigation is a method of cleansing the colon by removing accumulated toxic matter and other substances, such as mucus, that have built up inside the large intestine. Instead of using chemicals, filtered and temperature-regulated water is inserted into the colon several times per session. This softens and loosens the compacted matter in the colon, helping the body purify itself of accumulated toxins.
How many Colon Hydrotherapy sessions will I need?
The number of sessions varies from person to person. While some people exercise daily while others go weekly, bodily cleansing routines may also differ depending on individual goals. Colonic irrigation should be considered as part of any health and well-being program.
What is involved in a Colonic Irrigation session?
First, filtered water that has reached a specific temperature is inserted into the colon through the rectum by using gentle gravitational pressure. Then, the colonic irrigation therapist uses special massage techniques to move the water through the colon so that it cleanses the entire area. Lastly, the toxins and fecal matter are moved out of the colon along with the waste water using the colonic irrigation equipment. This process may be repeated several times. We cannot stress enough the importance of only using a trained, experienced Colon Hydrotherapist to ensure the safest and most effective treatment possible.
How long is a Colonic Irrigation session?
The procedure takes approximately 40-45 minutes, but plan for some additional time, especially if this is your first visit. The Colon Hydrotherapist will want to first discuss your medical history with you to get a sense of any other gastrointestinal problems.
What should I do to prepare for a Colon Hydrotherapy session?
We have just a few suggestions. Do not eat anything at least two hours before your session and do not drink fluids 1 hour prior. Drink plenty of hydrating fluids, such as water and eat a light diet of fruits and vegetables in the days prior to the session. During your session, try to remain relaxed because this will help in the hydrating and eliminating process.
Is there any possibility that I can get a bacterial or viral infection from the colonic irrigation equipment?
It is highly unlikely that you will contract any infections or diseases from the equipment being used. All equipment follows strict Food & Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines. These include a number of safety features that include temperature-controlled water mixing and backflow prevention valves, pressure and temperature sensors, and a built-in sanitizing and purification unit. Disposable SINGLE USE rectal tubes are also employed to safeguard all patients from contracting any infections. All equipment is fully sterilized prior to usage. However, complete sterilization cannot be guaranteed because the FDA cannot monitor usage of every piece of equipment. Using a Certified Colon Hydrotherapist increases your chances of having a safe experience.
Is it embarrassing to have Colon Hydrotherapy?
The Colon Hydrotherapist appreciates your concern for privacy and confidentiality. You will have time alone to undress and put on a protective treatment gown. Only your therapist will be in your private room when the procedure takes place. After the insertion of a small tube into the rectum, you remain on your back and completely covered during the rest of the session. Despite all these precautions, it can still seem embarrassing. You may want to set a prior appointment with the Colon Hydrotherapist to meet and go over the colonic procedure to help you feel more comfortable.
What is the difference with the use of enemas, suppositories or laxatives verses colonic irrigation?
Enemas are not as effective as colonics. They only reach the recto-sigmoid area of the descending colon verses reaching the end of the colon (cecum), with a colonic. Suppositories and laxatives are irritating and can dehydrate and damage the colon. Colonics will tone the muscles of the colon and re-stimulate your own natural peristalsis.
Is Colonic Hydrotherapy completely safe? Does it hurt?
Colon Irrigation is completely safe with little or no discomfort during the session. FDA approved HydroSan Plus equipment is used, providing a sterile environment with regulated and carefully controlled water pressure and temperature.
Does menstruation during a Colonic Hydrotherapy session affect the results?
No. Menstruation does not affect the success rate.
Will I experience any intestinal discomfort after Colonic Hydrotherapy?
It is possible that you may have some temporary minor nausea and fatigue because your body is working to intensively clean itself out of compacted waste matter and toxins.
Can I go right back to work after having Colonic Hydrotherapy?
Yes. You can go to work just as you would after a regular bowel movement. Many people report that their sessions are both refreshing and relaxing, so it is easy to get back to their normal daily routines. If you do feel any nausea or fatigue, you might want to consider resting for a while.
What does Colon Hydrotherapy cost?
The cost of colon hydrotherapy varies from $65-$250 per session. The cost of colon hydrotherapy depends on the therapist’s years of experience, equipment quality, and location among other factors.
Are colonics covered by insurance?
Colonics are not covered by medical insurancem but HSA and FSA are acceptable payments.
What effect does Colon Hydrotherapy have on my immune system?
Colon Hydrotherapy helps rejuvenate and boost your immune system because your body has been purified of waste material and toxic substances. Since a number of European research studies have indicated that nearly 80% of our immune tissue resides in the intestines, it makes sense to conclude that colon hydrotherapy could help fight many immune deficiency diseases, including cancer and AIDS.